Peppered Cucumber Vinegar by MJ’s Kitchen

With winter around the corner, it’s time to head south.  To a “very small garden” in New Mexico that’s just big enough to produce an abundance of cucumbers, attracting the occasional prowling raccoon looking for a juicy snack.

What’s left – as every gardener knows – is still an abundance of cucumbers.  It’s that time of year when you can’t give away enough tomatoes and cucumbers and cabbages and squashes.  It’s the time of year when you’ve gotta get creative.

That’s where our friend MJ steps in.  The Louisiana born, but long time New Mexico resident, always has great tips on what to do with an extra veggie or two.  Because as her mother taught her – “Don’t throw anything away!”

On her site, MJ’s Kitchen, she shares a wonderful recipe for those leftover cucumbers – Peppered Cucumber Vinegar.

Start with vinegar, add in plenty of cucumber slices, a mix of peppercorns, and some fresh garlic and onion, and voila, Peppered Cucumber Vinegar.  Okay, not that fast.  It will take 6 weeks of waiting, and watching the flavors infuse.  But it’s well worth the time when you first pour that homemade, Peppered Cucumber Vinegar dressing onto a salad.

This year, MJ decided to tweak the recipe by adding in a handful of Sichuan Peppercorns.  The result may be a tongue tingling, lemony surprise, but that won’t be revealed for another 6 weeks.

If you have one too many cucumbers, or are looking for a way to try out those Sichuan Peppercorns, head over to MJ’s Kitchen for the recipe.  And check back often to learn more from MJ about her specialties –  Southern and Southwestern cooking.

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