A Chocolaty Valentine’s Day

Between throwing mandarin oranges into the sea on Chinese Valentine’s Day, and indulging in chocolate treats on the original Valentine’s Day, I choose the latter.  All the single ladies can have their wish; I’ll take the chocolate.

But not all us ladies will receive chocolate this Valentine’s Day.  In Japan and South Korea, it is tradition for women to give chocolate to men on February 14th. No thanks.

To see what wonderful chocolate goodies people from around the world have created – and to give a hint to Mark of what I would like this Valentine’s Day – I took a quick journey on the New Spice Route and discovered these dark, delectable recipes:

Brownie Cupcakes by Ira of Cooking Tackle

Best Chocolate Mint Cookiesby Beau of Something Edible

Chocolate Prunes Truffles Paprika by Tamara of Bite My Cake

Molten Chocolate Liquor Cake by Prerna of Indian Simmer

Creamy Hot Chocolate with Greek Yogurt by Teresa of Delicious Wordflux

Nama Chocolate by Nami of Just One Cookbook

Find more recipes with the spice of Valentine’s Day – the Cocoa Bean

If you’re not in Japan or South Korea, be sure to “accidentally” leave this page open on your computer when you know that special one in your life will walk by and get the hint.

{Images courtesy of IraTeresaPrerna, and Nami}

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